Summer Wildcat Creek Family Pictures, Lafayette Indiana: The Stader Family

Summer Wildcat Creek Family Pictures, Lafayette Indiana

Summer!! My sweet friend, Mindy, is a 1st grade teacher, so what better way to kick off her summer break than with family pictures at Wildcat Creek?

family with college age kids on beach of wildcat creek

The Stader family has 2 college “kids” and a busy high school daughter, so finding a time that everyone can be home for pictures can be challenging!

However, family pictures with older children are still so very important. Making time for a family photo session will always be something you are glad you did! The Staders were able to squeeze this session in right before their oldest daughter left town for her summer kid camp counselor job.

Family pictures are just as wonderful and special with “big kids” as with little ones. Family photos can be a mix of traditional poses and fun ones! Capturing authentic smiles and emotions is what it is all about.

I have yet to meet a kid, young or old, or a Dad that doesn’t enjoy “Ambushing Mom”!!


Samantha, Madeline, Emily

Family: Created all because two people fell in love!!

At family sessions, I always take pictures of the Mom and Dad, the couple, the foundation of the family!

As a wedding photographer I have the privilege to take pictures of a couple on the day they become husband and wife. However, it is a true honor to take pictures of love that has stood the test of time, love that endures, love that grows!

The Stader family is a blessing to all who know them!

I’m thankful for their friendship and I’m thankful that they trust me to freeze time with pictures.

If you are looking for a Lafayette Indiana photographer to freeze time for your family with pictures,

please contact me today.

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Heather Corbin is a Lafayette Indiana family and wedding photographer.

She loves freezing time and capturing authentic and genuine smiles and emotions.

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