5 Ways To Create a Christ Focused Wedding Ceremony
As Christ followers we know that God created marriage and that the foundation of a strong marriage is Jesus.
In Matthew 7 Jesus talks about the wise man that builds his house upon a solid rock. The rains come but the house built on the rock stands firm, not washed away like those built on the sand.
We want our marriages built on the rock! We want marriage to be on a firm foundation. This foundation is in Christ alone.
A strong marriage foundation is built on the individual relationships that the husband and wife both have with God. As each one grows closer to God the strength of the marriage increases.
What better way to start a marriage than with a wedding that focuses on Christ.
A wedding ceremony is a sacred ceremony between Man, Woman, and our God.
A wedding ceremony is also a worship service- worship to our God that is our creator and our savior.
I am a Lafayette Indiana Wedding and Family Photographer. I have experienced a wide range of wedding ceremonies.
The most special of ceremonies focus on Christ and a marriage build on His foundation.
What are some ways to create a Christ focused wedding ceremony?
From the start of the ceremony all the way to the end there are ways to incorporate faith into the service.
Here is a list of 5 ways to keep Christ the focus of the wedding ceremony.
1) Prayer
Prayer is indeed a very vital part of the Christian wedding ceremony. There are lots of ways to include prayer in a wedding.
These are some ways prayer can be a part of the ceremony:
Congregational blessing prayer. This is where the wedding guests stand and either hold hands or extend their hands to the Bride and Groom as a blessing is prayed.
Bride’s Father prays as he “gives away” his daughter. The father of the bride places the brides hand in the grooms- then the father covers their hands with his and prays a blessing on the new marriage. A father’s blessing prayer could also be done later on during the ceremony.
A father’s blessing prayer could also be done by the groom’s father.
Mother’s blessing prayer. Similar to a father’s blessing prayer.
Maid of Honor / Best Man prayer. This is an opportunity for the most precious of friends to pray over the couple.
Ministers prayer during the ceremony. This is the most common prayer shared during a ceremony, but it does not need to be the only prayer.
The Bride and Groom can write a prayer for each other and then read it during the ceremony. This is powerful.
Many Bride and Grooms write personal vows that they read during a ceremony in addition to the traditional vows. Instead of “personal vows” a Christian marriage can begin with a consecration of prayer for each other.
The wedding ceremony is a sacred ceremony between man, woman and God. It is also a worship service to the one that created life and created love and marriage.
Songs and music can be included in a Christ focused wedding ceremony in several different ways:
Congregational worship. This would be a time when everyone joins in together to worship the Lord in praise and thanksgiving.
Music selections for the entire ceremony chosen to draw the focus to Christ.
Faith filled songs can be sung by friends or family during special moments of the ceremony such as the lighting of the unity candle or taking of communion.
A favorite hymn or worship song can be chosen as the wedding “theme song”. The lyrics can be incorporated into the ceremony. A framed copy of the sheet music can become the guest book as guests sign the mat board.
3) Communion
The sacred act of sharing in communion is a core tradition in the Christian faith. During wedding ceremonies communion can be shared just between the bride and groom or also shared with all the wedding guests.
4) Other Special Moments that can be included in a Christ focused wedding ceremony:
Unity Candle:
The unity candle represents God taking TWO lives and creating ONE life joined together by God. This symbolizing the two becoming ONE. Blowing out the individual candles leaving only the new ONE candle burning represents this transformation God creates with marriage.
3 Strand Braid:
This is a a braiding together of three ropes into a solid 3 strand braid. The ropes represent the Bride, Groom and Christ. As the couple braids it together they are giving a visual to the verse that a cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12) With Christ joining them together the marriage is much stronger than doing it alone.
5) Special Bible Verse/Theme verse for marriage:
Choosing a special Bible verse to be the “theme” verse for the wedding and marriage can be a powerful thing.
This verse can be the main verse used during the sermon/message portion of the wedding.
It can also be printed on the ceremony program and even on thank you cards.
A sign with the verse on it can be used in place of a guest book for guests to sign as the arrive at the wedding ceremony.
Implementing any of these ideas can help keep the focus on Christ during your wedding ceremony.
A Christian wedding is a sacred ceremony between the Bride, Groom and God. Building the foundation of marriage on the rock of our savior starts with including God in the wedding ceremony. A Christian wedding ceremony keeps to focus on the one that created marriage and His power at work in our life.
Heather Corbin Photography- Wedding Photographer for the Lafayette Indiana and surrounding areas.
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