One-Year Milestone Family Pictures at Fairfield Lakes Park | The McBride Family
Little Heidi is now ONE!
The McBride family celebrated this special milestone with family photos.
A baby’s first year is such a monumental year. It is especially monumental when it is with the first baby of the family.
As a mama of four, I understand how profound it is when your first child turns ONE! Yes, it is a special event in the baby’s life, but it also marks the one-year point of the birth into this thing called parenthood.
Happy first birthday to Heidi, but also her parents!
Mama to Mama- Happy First Motherhood Birthday, Megan!
Cheers to the year that birthed a brand new identity and person in you, too!
Being a mama (or Dad) is the most wonderful and impactful, and yet hardest thing you will ever do. Happy 1st Birthday to both Heidi and her parents!
Family Pictures at Fairfield Lakes Park, Lafayette Indiana,
by Heather Corbin Photography.
Fairfield Lakes Park is a popular place to take family pictures. It is a good location for photos year-round.
Summer pictures at Fairfield Lakes Park, like the McBride Family, are lush with green grasses and shining ponds.
It was really HOT the evening the McBride family met me for family photos, but they were tough and you can’t even tell looking at these pictures how HOT they were!
5 Tips for First-Year Milestone Family Pictures
Feed the baby before the session. No one enjoys being hungry and hangry babies don’t have fun with pictures.
Change the baby into their picture outfit once you arrive at the location where pictures will be taken. That way you don’t have to worry about car seat straps wrinkleing the outfit, or baby spilling or spitting up on clothes.
3. Pack an extra picture outfit just in case! Prepare for the worst and hope for the best!
4. Bring a favorite toy for the baby to play with while we take a few pictures of just Mom and Dad OR even better, bring along a family member or friend to entertain the baby!
5. Try to have a well-rested baby. Try to give the baby a good nap in the afternoon before an evening session. Lighting is best later in the evening and the baby might have to be up a bit past bedtime, but generally, young children do fine with this if they have had a good nap.
It was an honor to freeze time for the McBride family as they celebrated Heidi’s first birthday with pictures at Fairfield Lakes Park, Lafayette Indiana.
When I take family pictures I include pictures of :
The family all together
Just Mom and Dad together
Each child individually
The children all together
Any other combinations such as children with mom and children with dad,
as time and kid’s stamina allow.
Family pictures freeze time.
Family photos are an investment you will never regret.
Family pictures become family treasures and they become more valuable with time.
Kids just grow up so fast and it is wonderful to have family photos to look back at
Schedule Family Pictures at Fairfield Lakes Park, or other great locations,
with Heather Corbin Photography.
Heather Corbin is a wedding and family photographer based in Lafayette, Indiana.
Heather believes that marriage was created by God and that families are a treasure. Pictures freeze time to be enjoyed for all the years to come.
Learn more about Heather Corbin Photography:
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