What to expect at your full family photo session with Heather Corbin Photography | Lafayette Indiana Area wedding and family photographer

This post will answer all the most common questions about family photo sessions.

So, you want to book a family session with me- Heather corbin Photography!  What will the process be like and what will the session be like?  

I’m answering LOTS of questions in this post- but if you don’t see your question please leave a comment and I will answer you!

photo by heather corbin photography of a family in a grassy field.  mom and dad with three kids.  everyone looking at the toddler in dad's arms

Question: My husband/kids aren’t too thrilled about getting their pictures taken.  I’m worried they are going to be difficult to work with.


 I totally get it!  If they aren’t thrilled about getting their pictures taken then it makes them NORMAL!!  

Lets be real- usually getting pictures taken isn’t any man or child’s top 10 favorite thing to do list. You know what?  That is ok.  It is better to acknowledge the elephant the room.  I start off by sharing that I understand that they probably aren’t thrilled about being there, but that they love their mom/wife and are here for her!  I also let everyone know I don’t take it personally and my feelings aren’t hurt at all if they are less excited about family pictures.   This conversation almost always sets men and kids at ease, acknowledging feelings really helps people feel validated and respected.

We meet at the session location (see these posts for session location suggestions).  Before we start taking pictures I will usually chat with everyone about a few things.  This helps set the stage for the session and helps everyone relax.  We want the session to be fun.  I also promise to work fast because I don’t want anyone to endure “torture”!  LOL- 

I’m also a boy mom- and a wife of 27 years- so I kinda “get” guys!  I think getting guys to relax and have a good time during a photo session is one of my personal “superpowers” - if I do say so myself!

family photo by heather corbin photography.  Couple holding baby in a sunflower patch lafayette Indiana

Question:  How long do full family photo sessions last?

Answer:  The exact length of a session will vary depending on the size of the family, the ages of the children and the weather.  However, most sessions last a minimum of 30 minutes and not longer than an hour.  I strive to work fast and keep you moving and having fun.  This produces a lot of different pictures and makes time fly for you.    I don’t focus on dragging a session out to last a certain amount of time.  I focus on getting a series of poses/interactions and go with the flow of each unique family.  When I know I have what I need to deliver a great gallery to you I stop.  No need to force a session to be long!

Question: What types of groupings and poses are included in a full family session.

Answer: Full family sessions always include the family all together, the kids all together and the couple together.  I will also take pictures of each child individually and am happy to take a few pictures of mom and dad individually.  Everyone can use an updated “headshot” or social media profile picture.  

In addition to the above pictures I will take other groupings as time and attention span of kids (and grown ups) allows.  

Question:  What is a typical full family session like?

Answer:  Over the years I have crafted a “session flow”.  While each session is unique, I have an order I work through to create a full gallery of pictures you will love and cherish.  I will not get stuck and wonder what to do next.  I have a system and it is smooth.

After we have had a brief chat and opportunity to get to know each other a little bit we will start off with the “Everyone looking at the camera” family pictures.  Typically kids are most focused at the start of a session and are more willing to look at the camera when we first get started. 

From that point on I will “read the crowd” so to speak and work through all the other groupings.  I will go back and forth between interactive prompts and looking at the camera.  My focus is on everyone being relaxed and having fun so that I capture genuine pictures.

I will give fun props and activities that create natural smiles, laughter and interactions.  

When we get to the end of the session and I feel like I have everything I need I will take the time to ask you if there is any other pose/ grouping you would like to have that I didn’t do.  Please don’t be afraid to speak up!  I’m happy to accommodate- these are your moments!

family photo with teenage kids by heather corbin photography.  Family group hug with beautiful fall leaves in background

Question:  How many pictures are included in a typical full family session gallery?

Answer:  For full family sessions I deliver galleries that have at least 50 photos.  You could receive more, but you will receive no less than 50.

Question:  How long does it take to get our pictures back and how do we get our pictures from you?

Answer:  Within 30 days I will send you a link to your very own online photo gallery.  From your online gallery you can download all the images in both “original” resolution for printing and in “Social Sharing” size for sharing online.  You can also easily order professional prints right from your gallery.  Ordering prints from your gallery is so easy and the price point is fantastic.  Prints on the wall is so much better than pictures stuck on your phone or hard drive.

Question:  Can I share our online gallery with family and friends?

Answer:  Absolutely!  You can share the link to your online gallery by email, text or on social media.  You are free to share it with anyone you choose.  Anyone that you share the gallery with is also able to download digital images and order prints from the gallery.  Easy peasy!

large family fall picture by heather corbin photography.  mom and dad with teenage kids

Question:  I definitely want digital images to share on social media but I also want to get prints to hang up on the wall.  Can I get prints from you?

Answer?  Yes!  Your digital images can be downloaded in “original resolution” for printing and in “Social Sharing” size for sharing online.   Prints are also available to oder right from your gallery.  It is so easy to add pictures to your cart, no need to “upload” images because they are already all there.  Ordering prints from your gallery is simple, quick and affordable.  Also, the quality is incredible- professional prints are high quality!

Question:  What are the benefits of ordering prints from the online photo gallery?


  1. Quick and EASY!  All the images are right there- no need to download the files and then upload to another company.

  2. Quality and color is GREAT!  You won’t have to worry about the colors or quality of the prints like you do when ordering from pharmacies or box stores.  

  3. Price point is FANTASTIC!  I’m not trying to make a bunch of money on prints.  Why? Because I want you to get prints and hang them up on your walls to enjoy!  I don’t want price to deter you from getting prints.

fall family photo with older kids.

Question: What are some good locations for family pictures in the Lafayette Indiana area?

Answer: There are lots of GREAT locations for pictures in our area. I have written several blog posts highlighing many locations.

Check out these blog posts:

family photo with baby and toddler

Booking a session is easy!

Just click the button bellow to reach out to me.

You can also visit my Family Photo Session Page for more information.



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