Faith and Focus: Behind the Lens with Heather Corbin Photography, March 28, 2025

Faith & Focus: Life Behind the Lens | Weekly Update


Praise God! Wesley was able to come home from Indy on Thursday after his month-long leukemia treatment! Tonight, Wes and Anna are coming over for dinner, and I asked him what meal sounded best. His choice? Soup and my homemade rolls. You got it, son! Oh, my heart—he is feeling good! 🙌 Continuing to pray that the CAR T cells multiply, have long life, and kill every cancer cell in his body.

Clinic visit

Also, I have enjoyed wonderful conversations and text messages with our daughter, Robyn, as she works on landscaping and planting flowers in their Texas home. I LOVE growing flowers, and it blesses my heart to see her experiencing joy from "dirt therapy" too! 🌿🌸


I've been reading an older book, but wow—it is so good! 📖 "The Power of a Positive Woman" by Karol Ladd. Years ago, when my kids were little, I read her book "The Power of a Positive Mom," and it had a tremendous impact on my mothering. Over the years, I actually went through that book THREE times with different groups of fellow mamas. SO good!

Songs on Repeat This Week: 🎶

  • Psalm 23 (Listen Here) – A powerful reminder of God's provision and protection.

  • "Don't Stop Praying" by Matthew West (Listen Here) – Encouragement to stay faithful in prayer.

  • "Praise" by Elevation Worship (Listen Here) – A great workout, walking, or dance-party-in-the-kitchen song! Always lifts my spirits! 💃🙌

Praising and praying are powerful tools of faith! 🙏 Praising God for who HE IS and trusting in His constant presence bring peace. We must actively choose faith over fear—sometimes multiple times a day!

sunshine during sunrise streaming in through the living room window

On Thursday morning, the sunrise streaming into my living room spoke to my heart. It led me to meditate on Psalm 113:3:

"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised." ☀️

Home Life

This week has been extra busy outside the home, so no extra baking. BUT this afternoon, I'll be spending some time in the kitchen! Batch cooking sausage, egg, and cheese burritos for my husband—his favorite breakfast meal. He was not thrilled this morning when the only option left was a protein muffin. 😆

I love using food as a love language to bless others. I definitely got this from both of my grandmothers, but especially my Grandma Fox. If you ever left her house hungry, it was your own fault! She LOVED to feed people! 🍽️❤️

Photography Life

This week has been SO BUSY with Purdue graduation bookings! 🎓 My April and May calendar is nearly full with Purdue Cap & Gown sessions.

In fact, this morning I had to sit down and evaluate my schedule to determine how many more sessions I can take. I’m almost at my limit! I have to allow enough time to edit and deliver every session with excellence!

Also—exciting news! Yesterday, I received confirmation for a November wedding! 🎉 Christian weddings are my heart. Marriage is a treasure, and when it is built on God, it is on a firm foundation.

This couple loves the Lord deeply, and I cannot wait to capture their day as they become One in Christ.

Personal Reflections

This is a season of feeling stretched. There are a lot of things happening in the background that are requiring me to practice trust and faith. It’s a daily act of surrender to place everything in God's hands.

How do people do life without faith in Christ? I truly cannot imagine!

A Prayer of Encouragement | Psalm 23

Lord, we thank You that You are our Shepherd. Because of You, we lack nothing. You lead us beside still waters and refresh our souls. When the path is uncertain, we trust You to guide us in righteousness for Your name’s sake.

Even when we walk through dark valleys, we will fear no evil, because You are with us. Your rod and staff bring comfort when our hearts feel weary.

You prepare a table before us, even in the presence of our enemies. You anoint our heads with oil, and our cups overflow. Your goodness and mercy chase after us every single day, and we will dwell in Your house forever.

Lord, in every season, help us to trust in Your provision, guidance, and protection. Help us to walk in faith, not fear, knowing that You hold us securely in Your hands.

In Jesus Name- Amen. 🙏

Keep trusting, keep praying, and keep praising! Whatever you are walking through, God is with you. Psalm 23 is a powerful prayer to speak over your life this week. 💛

Love & Blessings,


Faith & Focus: Life Behind the Lens with Heather Corbin Photography - March 21, 2025